Hi hi :3 , today 10 10 2011 yeayy finally, i finished exam. will miss the teachers who handsome&preetay. haha. the chief invigilator "Pitbull" huahuaa, kay byebye takecare tau <3 # kaykay smbung crita .
I and Eiqa had late in the examination class, #at motor parks, we prepare take the essential items for examination. then, we have to pursue fled like pigs, haha.
Me : hah huh hah, weh tired lar. # Tired face
Eiqa : weh stupid, your voice loud. listen to a school building tahu! -.-
#all of this because we went to macdonald studies there. hahar.eiqa dr pkul 1.30 ckp mcm ni eh kita nk balik ke sekolh pkul brp ha? okay 1.50 .tutt 1.50 dh then kitorg ckp eh pkul 2 lar kita blah, tutt. pkul 2 eiqa ckp "watlekk"pkul 2.10 lar then bla bla 2.10 aku ckp 2.15 lar, smpai skolh gelabah 2.30 ambik kau start pkul 2.20. smpai lewat msuk exam , org sume dh start kitorg je pling lambt sume org pndg -,- kesah plak aku . msuk2 nk start tuh gelabah goyang xD cpt je siap, otak pun cergas. wtf. kbai .